I don't think you're ready for this jelly, cyberspace.
Most of you who read my blog are anonymous bloggers, just stopping by for a quick hello.
Most of you are bloggers whom I have never met.
And finally, most of you know I just started this blog a few months ago, with the intention of gossiping on and on about my dates.
I know this site is called Sandra Dee Dates. But my life doesn't revolve around my dates (or lack thereof for that matter.) So this blog is turning over a new leaf.
I'm going to stop making this blog all about boys.
You heard me. Don't act so shocked. And close your jaws. It's not polite to stare at me all weird like that.
Okay fine. Maybe it's not such a big deal for you guys. But it is for me.
Why? Because I have another personal Xanga blog that all of my friends read. And I've had that one for about 2 years now. I don't want to abandon all of those friends over there lieu of anonymity with this one. Plus not all of my fabulous friends have a Blogger account.
So do I double post, reiterating the same mundane boring crap on two blogs?
The answer, of course, is yes.
So get ready for a little more insight into my life, anonymous Blogger friends. And get ready for even more fabulous writing from yours truly.
I don't think you're ready for this jelly, cyberspace.
i love you.
Oh boy, I can hardly wait! I hope this isn't an indication of a slow down in romantic activity, though.
We come over to read about YOU, boys or no boys, and putting out those other parts about you just makes that picture a little more complete, a little better. So go ahead!
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